Saturday, January 2, 2010

We Delight in Your Shabbat

Shabbat today as always was a delight! I decided to take today's title off of Steve McConnell's song - We Delight in Your Shabbat (which you can download for free by clicking on the song title) as it is one of my family's favorite songs to enjoy at the beginning of Shabbat.

Last night, we listened to Monte Judah via PalTalk as normal. I enjoy helping admin in the room as it enables me to be able to serve the body...something that I missed when we left traditional Christian church. His message was on this week's Torah Portion of VaYechi (Hebrew for "And He Lived") which was on when the brothers find Joseph in Egypt. As Monte was talking about how the brothers picked Judah to be the one to tell Jacob that Joseph was alive and in Egypt, my thoughts went to how the brothers began by telling one lie (that Joseph was killed by a wild animal), had to cover it with more lies (being sad he died and probably attend his "funeral"), and more lies throughout life...only to be exposed as BIG TIME LIERS in the end. As the saying goes "The Truth will find out out!" What a lesson for each of us to remember in our daily lives.

Today, we began by listening to Eddie Chumney's 5 minute update which is never 5 minutes long! He followed it up by a really good teaching on TNT - Torah and the New Testament. As the TNT might signify, it was a dynamite message! You can hear it by going to Way To Zion. We also enjoyed reading some articles that Daddy had been saving for us to read as a family...and finished the day off by our usual popcorn (salted and cheesy), beef jerky, and grape juice along with listening to Mike Clayton.

Since we don't wash dishes on Shabbat unless it cannot be avoided, we had our usual stack to wash, but it was fun being in the kitchen with Momma. She and I made quick work of the stack with her drying and me washing. I enjoy washing better than drying, and Momma graciously gave me first choice of which job to take. Daddy has already milked Miss Maggie for the night and brought in another gallon of milk as well as 5 more eggs. Having our own fresh milk, eggs, and cream as well as making our own dairy products is a blessing!

Well, I could talk all night if you let me, but I have a cake to bake for the cake decorating class I'll be teaching on Monday a belated Shabbat Shalom!

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