Thursday, January 21, 2010

Halleh kicks up her heels...

Daddy's had some fun cow "adventures" this week. Halleh (Hebrew for Praise) is our miniature Jersey heifer (girl). She can be quite full of mischief and fun as you can see by the picture below of her in the washtab with Max watching. She's saying "Daddy, can I please have some more hay?" Plus she managed to escape this week... Daddy had been cleaning out the barn and left the lowest strand of the electric fence unhooked due to going in and out with the pickup truck. Well, as he was driving the truck back up to the barn, the calves decided to race the truck. He was going about 10mph and the cows were going 15mph, so they won! Plus Halleh decided not to stop at the fence and ducked under. Daddy had fun (not!) chasing her and getting her back in. Thankfully, they are both okay, and she is safe and sound.

Yesterday was a good day at work. I began the day with a call to Switzerland as our team is working with the Switzerland team to begin Online Coaching in Europe. What an exciting opportunity! :) Then in the late afternoon, a good friend, Julia, and I got a Photoshop lesson from her daughter! That was a great learning experience and Kristen was a very good teacher.

I made about a dozen goals for 2010 and have been faithfully working on them each week. One of them is to blog 3 times a week. Another key one is to have a quiet time each day with the Lord. I've been faithfully doing that for about the past 5 or 6 years, and I know that is a huge part of living a life pleasing to the Lord. How about you? Any goals for 2010? As Eddie so wisely put together, the statistics say "Only 3% of people are successful and only 3% of people make goals, so therefore the 3% of successful people are those who make goals."

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