Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Got My Snow Cream!!!!! :)

Yes, I did indeed get my first bowl of snow cream. In fact, we're planning on having snow cream for desert today for our company. :) Now, that I've hopefully gotten you good and hungry for it, would you like the recipe?

Snow Cream
1 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar (we use evaporated cane juice)
1 egg
1 Tbsp vanilla
Lots of Fresh Snow

Whisk together the milk, sugar, egg, and vanilla until smooth and the sugar is dissolved. Bring in the fresh snow from outside, and add until the consistency is that of ice cream. Yield: 3 large bowls. Recipe can easily be multiplied to fit the size of your family.

Today, we are having company which is unusual for us on Shabbat...but I'm looking forward to it. Our assistant congregational leader and his wife are coming. We got all the food prepared yesterday before Shabbat! that was interesting. Our neighbor was going out to the car in what looked like pajamas...and we had noticed it being that it was snowing. I made the comment that it looked liked their church service had been canceled due to the snow...and my Momma laughingly reminded me that today is Shabbat aka Saturday, so their church wouldn't be until tomorrow. I guess that shows how Hebraic my thought is becoming...or maybe how blond I am!

On Thursday, we made homemade Mozzarella Cheese from Maggie's milk. It is an all day task. Not that it is difficult; it is just that every 30 minutes or so, you need to do something with it. We begin by heating the milk to 90 degrees, adding the starter, and letting it sit for a while. Then we add lipase powder...later on the organic kosher vegetable rennet. Then as the curd forms, we cut it, heat it, drain it, and finally stretch it. The stretching is always Daddy's job! It is then soaked in a salt brine at the very end. Now, realize that is ONE whole days worth of work condensed into a paragraph. Maybe I can take some pictures this next week of the process. It has been really neat the demand for the cheeses that we make.

We also made fresh homemade butter. We had about 2 quarts of cream saved in the fridge to make it with. So Mommy put that in the Kitchen Aid with the wire whisk, and put the mixer to work. It takes about 30 minutes to whip it from cream to butter. Then we wash it, salt it, and form into patties. We ended up with 1 lb 9 oz of finished butter. Our butter tastes like as my grandma so aptly put it "what butter used to taste like."

Oh, speaking of my Nana. She made a really cute comment the other day. In trying to explain to my uncle why my family "doesn't do Christmas", she told him that we understood that Jesus (Yeshua) was born on Saturday, so we don't do Christmas. She was so cute! She's trying to understand why we don't do things and had gotten Shabbat which is on Saturday and Christmas mixed up. So we got a good chuckle out of it...and appreciated that she is trying to understand. Gotta love my grandma!

Well, company will soon be here...we're all looking forward to it. Shabbat shalom to y'all!

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