Saturday, January 16, 2010

Maggie gives the Truck a Bath!

A belated Shabbat shalom! I pray each of you had a wonderful Shabbat! Last night our family listened to Eddie Chumney as he spoke at B'nai Shalom Congregation (Monte Judah's congregation), so that was a bit different from our usual Friday night. We as always enjoyed Eddie! :) Then he and I got a chance to chat and catch up after the service. Today, we listened to Beit Yacov as usual. "Uncle" Mark did the 5 minute update and then a teaching on Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) as tonight begins Rosh Chodesh. We finished off the day by eating popcorn and listening to Mike Clayton's Torah Portion.

On Friday, I had a busy day. I met Mark (a fellow Crown volunteer) for lunch. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Mark loves HOT food and he wanted to take me there. I got the mildest wings - the sweet BBQ wings, while he got HOT Wings. I did try a bite and survive! :) It was great catching up and fellowshipping. I then headed off to a Money Map Coaching Appointment before heading home to prepare for Shabbat.

While I was gone, Daddy had been mucking out the barn. While he does it each morning, after our recent thaw and warm up, he discovered that it made everything a muddy mess. So the barn got a thorough cleaning! He used Hodu (our Honda Ridgeline Pickup) to haul the manure out to where he is working on improving the pasture quality. While he was doing so, Maggie (our cow) discovered that Hodu was VERY dirty! She decided to give the hubcab a spitshine! (see below).

Followed by a buff of the rear bumper - look how shiny this corner is!

When your cow tells you that the car is dirty, it must be dirty!

I pray each of you has a great start to a new week.

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