Thursday night was family night at Nana and Gaga's. The theme was "Hawaiian Luau," and we had chicken and pineapple, grilled beef kabobs, spice cake, and chocolate covered bananas. It was very good. The whole evening was fun...though the music was too loud for me! While we were there and watching the weather station, we saw that Southern California was getting torrential rain, so as soon as we could, I called Beau and his mom to make sure they were okay. Thankfully, they were although they had been out when the rain first started...Praise Yah for His protection on His children.
Yesterday, Friday, was a busy day getting ready for Shabbat. In the morning, we all worked together to clean house. Many hands make light work! :) Then I checked e-mail and did some work while Mommy fixed lunch. After lunch, we made a delicious Blueberry Sour Cream Coffee Cake together. Mommy also made a cream cheese spread for our bagels. We like to have 3 spreads and third our bagels with each third having a different type of spread for our Erev Shabbat meal. With our bagels, we have Peppermint Mochas - just like Starbucks, but we can make them at home for 50 cents compared to the $3.50 you'd pay at Starbucks. After we finished in the kitchen, us girls took off for a walk. We made it to Brad's house which is a 1.2 mile round trip walk for us. We do have our walk landmark's - either Brad's house or the tree. There is a single tree out in the middle of a corn field which makes our walk 2.2 miles round trip. That was good Mother Daughter time. :) And we got home in time to quickly finish up our Sabbath preparation and be ON TIME for Yah's Sabbath arriving even with Eddie and I slipping a little bit of website work!
We enjoyed our supper and then listened to Monte Judah's teaching on the weekly Torah Portion which was good as always. They were training a new admin to run the PalTalk room from their end this week, and he did a good job. The previous admin and his family are moving, so that he can serve as the congregational leader for a congregation in Arkansas. We'll miss them serving that way each week...but e-mail and Facebook will still work to keep in touch. :)
This morning, we listened to Eddie give the 5 minute update as well as part 2 of TNT - Torah and the New Testament. This teaching was on are we allowed to eat unclean meats? And what did Peter's vision in the New Testament really mean? It was a good teaching as always. Then we had a delicious lunch of chicken noodle soup that Momma had fixed yesterday, homemade cheddar cheese and crackers, and pickles. And soon, we're going to go for a walk. I'm so glad the weather is nice where we can do that.
Plus, I have an exciting praise! I've been on call for jury duty all this month. I can be called in on Mondays or Fridays. Well, so far, I had not had to go in. But, I got called to go in on this coming Monday. I was upset as I have a surprise planned middle of the week which I'll tell you about later (remember - surprises are shhh!) and was afraid the jury duty would run over. So Mommy especially started praying that the trial would get cancelled. When we got home from Nana and Gaga's on Thursday night, there was a message letting me know that the jury trial on Monday was cancelled! Praise the L-rd! Isn't He so good??? Now, I just have one more possible day left to serve.
And now for the interesting picture of the week... Daddy brought in a 125 gram (4.5 oz) egg from the barn yesterday!!!!! It was massive. Here's a picture of it (far left of carton) beside normal Jumbo eggs...
And Here I am blogging today...Shabbat shalom Ya'll!!!
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