Monday, January 4, 2010

Busy Start to the Week

Wow! It was a busy start to the week. Yesterday, I woke up not feeling quite myself...a dry throat, a bit stuffy in the sinuses, and just a bit blaugh. But being the first day of the week, I did get to sleep in. :) After getting up and having breakfast as a family, Momma and Daddy ran their paper-route. Daddy does three routes for The BAG which is a local "ad bag" with the Krogar, Meijer, Walmart, etc sale ads in it and delivered to each house at their mailbox. He and Mommy run a route and Mommy and I run the other two. While they were gone, I finished up the Elderberry Syrup that Mommy and I had begun making the night before. It is good for fighting colds, so I made sure to take a big taste when I finished it and another dose later that day. See the recipe below. I also made Cream de Glase which is an egg based custard that we serve with fresh strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Now, that fruit is just starting to come back in, we couldn't resist. I'll plan on doing a recipes entry later this week with the recipe for that! :) Between that and staying on the phone too while they were gone, I was a busy little bee. I told Momma..."boy, my feet are tired" when she got home. She said, "Now, you see why I say that my feet are tired!" I can certainly understand more so. Since my job is a sit down at the computer job...I sometimes forget how phsyically tiring (albeit rewarding) work that can be!

After lunch, Momma and I ran our routes... When we got home, we did a few other household chores and ate supper. By about 6pm, Momma and Daddy were going to run over to Nana and Gaga's (my grandparents) for a couple of hours and also take some medication to the nurses at the Assisted Living where they live. My grandparents are both 85 years old. While I was welcome to go and normally would, I stayed home and camped out on the couch. I was pretty tired by that point, so I curled up with my two sweet kitties and watched the movie called "The Pretender" by Christiano Films. It is about how a young man pretends to become a Christian just so he can win this girl...and how we need to be genuine in our relationships and watch out for the wolves in sheep clothing. Very good message! I've watched it before...but it's worth rewatching. Shortly after that, I headed on to bed...

Today has been a busy day. We got our bulk food order for our home based bakery. We also order in bulk for those in our local Messianic community. Plus today is my first day back at my regular job with it's been play catch up with e-mails, phone calls, get projects rolling again, and the usual catch up. Now, it's off to teach the first night of cake decorating class tonight which I'm looking forward to.

And finally, as promised, the Elderberry Syrup Recipe:

2 cups dried Elderberries
4 cups boiling water
1/2 cup honey (fresh preferrably)
1/2 cup lemon juice (fresh squeezed from organic lemons preferrably)

Put the elderberries in a large saucepan and pour the boiling water over them. Let sit overnight. In the morning, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Pour into a blender, add the honey and lemon juice, and blend until smooth. Pour into jars and label and refrigerate. Take about 1 Tbsp 3 times a day. It is supposed to help fight colds. It sure did seem to help mine. :)

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