Saturday, February 22, 2014

Shabbat...ah what a wonderful day!

I decided to title this post "Shabbat...ah what a wonderful day!" as that is so true.  Shabbat is always a blessing of physical, mental, and spritual refreshing! 

This past week, I enjoyed some training webinars through Nature's Sunshine each evening.  Thursday was my cleaning jobs...then cleaning our house in preparation for Shabbat. And to top it off right before Shabbat, I got the news that I passed my first case study which was super exciting news!!! Only three lessons in my one course and two more case studies till I am a Naturopathic Doctor!!!

We got sleet and freezing rain on Monday night.  This is the picture I took that night at what was left behind on the side of our house!!!

Then we got the news this week that two different family friends experienced the loss of a loved one this week.  So sad.  Thankfully, we can rejoice they are both in a better place...but difficult on the loved ones left behind.  Please pray for both families.  

Today was a refreshing day spent as a family...and now beginning my new week.  Plus I'm looking forward to a fun day tomorrow spending the day with friends. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Very Happy Week

This past week has been a busy yet good week. I feel like I got a LOT done...including everything on my To Do List!

To begin with..Do you realize there are only 2 weeks left to take advantage of the early bird registration for Purify 2014 - Retreat for Hebrew Roots Singles?  Sign up now and save at

On Monday, I had my cleaning jobs which Daddy and I do together.  Some good Daddy Daughter time.

Then on Tuesday, I was interviewed by Gene Porter on The Wall Watchman talking about Purify 2014 and Purify West Coast. You can listen to the interview at The interview was great to do, and Gene was a joy to be interviewed by! 

I also added two new essential oil blends to our website - Refreshing Air Freshener Oil Blend and Stimulating Refreshing Air Freshener Oil Blend -

I completed my degrees as a Certified Nutritional Counselor (C.N.C.) and Certified Chaplain in Holistic Approaches (C.C.H.A.) this past week!  Only one more course and two case studies till I have my degree as a Naturopathic Doctor!  I am also going to go on with the few additional courses required to have my second doctorate as a Doctor of Biblical Medicine.  Happy Dance!  :) 

Wednesday and Thursday much of my time was spent recording upcoming shows for Women Encouraing Women, the radio show I co-host.  We have an upcoming series called Shabbat Around the World, and I cannot wait for you all to hear it!  
On Thursday, I was interviewed by Paul Nison talking about Purify - Retreats for Hebrew Roots Singles. Please watch at

Friday was Shabbat preparation day, and we had the house all cleaned and everything done on time which is always the greatest feeling.  To have everything done...not just to come to a stop on Shabbat...but to know you planned your timing well.  

We had our Shabbat gathering and greatly enjoyed that!  I'm looking forward to the young folks in our congregation getting together for a time of fellowship next Sunday as well.

And on a final funny note, a friend of mine, Denise, shared this picture below with me since she knows I love pink flamingo.  

My friend, Alex (short for Alexandria) said "We wear pink camo because we are just awesomely feminine!"  You just gotta love pink camo!  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fun, Radio Interview, and More...

My week started out great.  On Sunday, all of the young folks in our congregation got together, enjoyed fellowship, going bowling, and playing board games.  It was a wonderful time! 

Monday, I was intereview by Krista Dunk on her radio show which you can hear at

I finished another course in my studies to be a Naturopathic Doctor...yeah!  I'm getting really close to graduating. 

We got more snow this week, so we once again have a winter wonderland.  Well, the snow hasn't gone away for the last couple of weeks, so the ground has stayed white.  I am ready for spring and warmer weather! 

Thursday was Momma's birthday.  We had a really nice day together as a family, and I think she felt special. 

And now a new week begins... 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Normal Week

This past week was a very good week.  I got everything done on my to do list which is always a great feeling of accomplishment!  Then yesterday, we had our Shabbat gathering which I greatly enjoyed. 

We finally thawed out enough to get out after getting 8" of snow last week, so we went to see my grandfather on Wednesday.  Nicole met us there to visit him, and we had a really nice time. 

Also, I was on Hebrew Nation Radio AM 1220's show Cuppa Shebrews Janaury 22 talking about Purify 2014 and Purify West Coast - Retreats for Hebrew Roots Singles. If you did not get a chance to hear it live, they have it posted in their achives at Just a few days left to listen for free online.