Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 Days till Israel

Well, it's 10 days until I fly to Israel. I bought the pre-paid minutes I needed for in the States as I didn't want to take my more expensive cell phone with internet access with my on an international trip. I've also got international calling set up on our house phone for my parents to be able to reach me...and me an Israeli cell phone to rent while there. I think everything is just about ready to go other than notes for those covering for me while I'm gone from work. :) And a few things to go in the suitcase.

I'm having a busy but good day at work. Getting a lot done always makes you feel good!

Then tonight is the last night of my Course 1 Cake Decorating class. I have next month off due to the trip, but I'll be offering another one in December.

And good news on my computer. I've been having issues with my Wi-Fi not working part of the time. Turns out it is a major known issue on my particular laptop and is caused by the Nvidia video card not working properly. PTL there is a recall where HP will fix my laptop for free by replacing the Wi-Fi and Video cards which are built into the Motherboard, so that also get's replaced. I'm very glad for the Lord's provision there as that would be a $300 repair otherwise. My laptop will go in the shop while I'm gone and should be home waiting for me when I get back.

Well, it's off for a late lunch I go...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Countdown to Israel

Well, I've started to countdown to leaving for Israel. 12 days till I head to the Promised Land. I'm so excited. I've been working on my packing just to make sure I don't miss anything or am rushing around at the last minute. As a result, I'm all packed except for the items that can't go in till the last minute. Okay, I must be a huge planner!!!

I'm still fighting a cold but feeling much better. Just to get 100% of my energy back, and I'll be a happy camper. At least I figured out why my eye sight was blurring while working on the computer and solved that. It was due to too high of a prescription in my left eye. When I used what I was using in my right eye in both eyes, it went away in about 48 hours and hasn't come back. Praise Yah!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This week...guest blog...and more

This week was a busy week, and I got a lot done. My to do list was quite long, and I have gotten 95% of everything done on it. So I was quite the happy camper. The rest will get done in time.

I had been interviewed for the Sowers of Hope SEED Series which is about women who wear headcoverings. That was published on the 15th, and you can read that interview by clicking here.

I've begun packing what I can so I don't have it all to do for my trip to Israel as it is now just 15 days away. I truly can't wait. I'll really miss my family, but this is a trip of a lifetime...and I'll probably only get this chance to go.

And I got the news this week that the Camp Yeshua DVDs which have the recordings from all the messages on it as well as PICTURES is in the mail!!! I can't wait to get mine. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well, I had wondered why coaches would get so frustrated with a coaching participant not showing up...I had the privilege of finding that out this week. It saddens your heart as a so want each one to succeed!!!

This week has been quite busy at work. Lots of projects going on. Plus my boss is on a mission trip to Russia, so my co-worker and I are covering for him. I'm just glad to hear that his trip is going well. When he gets back, it will be two weeks until I leave for Israel! I can't wait.

I did slip in some time for a massage from my massage therapist and an adjustment. I feel so much taller and "looser." I'm also being faithful to do my exercises which I do believe is helping my body heal even more than I had ever done so after my fall on the ice 6 years ago.

Well, that's all folks! :) Pictures from the recent wedding I went to coming soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sukkot, Part 4

Our Sukkot was an extra special time...and here are the last of the pictures!

Daddy did a supper job teaching. Here he is leading our closing service Friday night as we went into our last High Holy Day.

We were glad that Daniel and Deena were able to join us both Shabbats. They are a sweet couple.

Friday morning, we had a special breakfast brunch. Normally, we did breakfast on your own, but this morning, we cooked big together - eggs, turkey bacon, pancakes, hash browns, maple twists, cinnamon apples, and fruit. That was yummy!

And yes, we had the guys arguing over chocolate!

The kittens were a big hit with the children. Here's Ashley with Speckles.

Teresa gave a presentation on how to have an evacuation or "Go" bag if you had to leave your home due to emergency evacuation. We all learned a lot!

Tom and Teresa's dog, Levi, was our Sukkot dog!

Here we are studying and midrashing...

We even got some black-eye pea shelling in.

And finally our Sukkah! We weren't able to build one as we don't have but a few "baby" trees on our property, but we had our dining canopy top up and added a few branches to make it our camp Sukkah.

Sukkot was a very special time for us, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sukkot, Part 3

Finally sitting still long enough to post more about Sukkot. After we had a couple of days to clean up, try to catch up at work and home, clean up, and sleep in a bit, it was time to run again as Timothy and Maria (both of whom are good friends of mine) were getting married!!! Then home again, some doctor appointments for my grandparents, and now, I've caught a mild cold! I guess it's from allowing myself to get run down. But I'm drinking my organic vinegar with the mother in it, honey, and water to help get rid of it along with colloidal silver. So I'm hoping to be back to normal soon. :) Now to Sukkot...

On Sunday afternoon, we took an herbal first aid class. Here's Dawn teaching us.

And we were good students who even took notes!

On Monday afternoon, Doug, our neighbor, came over and taught us Cast Iron Cooking. Here he is showing off the beef cubes we had prepared for that while Daria finishes chopping up our vegetables and Momma and Daddy look on.

Here's our meal - beef stew - cooking over the campfire. The cornbread was already done. :)

Time for a test taste. And????

It passed with flying colors! More on Sukkot coming soon...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sukkot, Part 2

We were all busy setting up before we were able to sit down for our Erev Shabbat meal. Here's Uncle Mark and Aunt Debbie setting up their tent.

Helping set up Daria's tent...

Our tent...

Hey, even the doggie, Levi, got into the act!

And our fourth and final tent...