Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Financial Wisdom

When you make a financial decision, consider what would happen if you had even a small decrease in funds. Do not operate at the upper limit of your income; instead make decisions based on a reduced standard of living. Sometimes God's will is accomplished by a loss rather than a gain. The ability to thank God in every circumstance depends on full trust in Him.

"I know how to get along with humble means . .I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:12-13 NASB).

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some more updates on Mark

Monday at 1:30pm: Debbie got to talk with the doctor while visiting Mark here just a little bit ago. Mark has broken his T4 & T5 in his neck as well as his nose, back, the back of the skull, and facial fractures. It is going to be a lllloooonnnnggg road back to recovering. At this point, the key is to get him out of the woods. Please... continue to pray for his full healing and the family!

Jocelin sharing an update on Monday afternoon: A special fund for the Pitrone family's financial needs has been set up by the congregation. You may donate by going to the following web page...http://www.webdesignbyjb.com/markpitrone.htm. Please pass the word around! Thank you for your generous giving!

Monday night about 9pm: Update from Jocelin: They have removed the complete head wrap and replaced it with a smaller bandage. They have also put on a back brace. Hannah (Mark's daughter), her husband Matt, and Daniel (Mark's son) are in route to Ohio from Colorado. Please pray for a safe flight for them. Please don't forget the special financial fund.

Tuesday Update about 1pm: Update on Mark from Jocelin: Got an update from Teresa as well as just talked to Hannah (Mark & Debbie's daughter). He looks far better then he did on Sunday night. He is opening his eyes and responding to as well as recognizing people. If he continues to improve, he may get his tubes removed later today.

Tuesday about 2pm: Teresa just gave me (Jocelin) an update (she's there at the hospital with the family right now) "Mark's breathing tubes have been removed. He is speaking a few words."

Breaking news on Monday about 3pm: Mark is not only alert and beginning to talk...He has now asked for coffee!!!!!!!!

Update from Jocelin on Monday about 9:45pm: Mark continues to do well; however, we have a specific request. The CAT scan was done again, and it showed some bleeding in the brain. They are not doing anything medically at this point, but please pray for 100% healing and stopping of the bleeding. Also, key updates will be posted soon after the 12noon to 1pm Eastern ICU visiting hours each day as that is when the doctor rounds and speaks with the family for their daily update. Any urgent updates will be posted in between.

Wednesday Update on Mark from Jocelin about 1:45pm! I just talked with Hannah. Mark is still sleeping quite a bit, but when he is awake, he is talking some. He knows everyone and his long term memory is fine. He currently has no short term memory, but the doctors say that is normal for the first couple of weeks with a brain trauma. He has eaten some applesauce and drunk some water. There is one concern at this point. He is loosing more blood than he should be, so they will be doing a CAT Scan of his stomach shortly to see if there is anything going on there as well as a blood transfusion. Please pray that all internal bleeding would immediately stop! Please continue to pray for the family as well.

Breaking Thursday Update on Mark from Jocelin about 2pm! Just talked to Hannah, Debbie, and Teresa. Mark is doing super! The doctors went so far as to tell Mark they thought he was going to die when he came in, but now look at him. His short term memory is returning! Assuming everything continues as it has, he will be moved to a REGULAR ROOM later today! The bleeding has apparently slowed as since the transfusion his blood count has slowly dropped but not by much. Also, if you want to send cards, please send them to following address: Mark Pitrone c/o Akron General Medical Center, 400 Wabash Ave, Akron, OH 44307. They would love to hear from you! Also, don't forget the financial fund which can be found at www.webdesignbyjb.com/markpitrone.htm.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Update on Mark

The word has been spreading about Mark Pitrone, our Assistant Congregational Leader of Beit Yacov. Here are the most recent updates.

About 2am Sunday night: Mark is out of surgery and being settled in ICU right now. Debbie will be able to see him soon.

Morning Update on Mark: I just got off the phone from Debbie. Mark made it thorugh the night. He is still in very serious condition and your prayers are much needed! Please also particularly pray for Debbie. It is very hard on her to see Mark like this.

Please feel free to fine me on Facebook. I’m posting regular updates through my personal page as well as the Eddie Chumney – HHMI Facebook page.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request! Mark Pitrone was injured by a falling tree accident with a head injury! He was airlifted to a major hospital. We are told it is a bad head injury. Please pray for him, his wife Debbie, and their children - Peter, Hannah, Daniel, and David. We are on our way to be with them and will post updates as we get them.

New Update - Mark is now at the hospital. He is going in for a CAT Scan shortly. We are about 1 1/2 hours out from the hospital but are receiving constant updates from those already there. All the congregation is on the way to be with the Pitrone family. Please continue to pray!!!!!!!!!!!

Breaking Update - Mark is going into surgery right now to have to blood at the back of his brain removed. Please continue to pray. We're about 35 minutes out now.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

5 Minute Update...

Again this week, I had the honor of keeping up the Watchman of Zion 5 Minute Update Blog with Eddie traveling. Please check out this week's entry at http://www.watchmanofzion.com/.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Maggie Moo!

Well, tonight, I had quite the fun! Daddy picked up Gaga to go see Nana and stayed with him so they could visit. Mommy and I had stayed home tonight getting some much needed things completed. The plan was that Daddy would come home, and Mommy and I would take Gaga back to his place while Daddy milked Maggie, our dairy cow. However, I decided to surprise my Daddy by milking the cow! The last time I had done so was a disastrous adventure! I ended up coming up to the house covered in manure, crying, and very upset. Needless to say, Maggie and I had not gotten along well that time! I had been out to see her, Max, and Halleh day before yesterday and enjoyed spending some time with them, so I purposed to do my best, have fun, and hopefully have a successful milking. :)

I rounded up the house barn and meat chicken hens first. I found all but one, so I went looking for her. She was out by the pallets where Daddy stores the hay, so I shooed her into the barn. We had lost a chicken - she just plain disappeared - yesterday, so I wanted to be sure to find them all today. After that, I came by the house and got the bucket of warm water Momma had ready for me, the milk bucket, and the milking supplies and headed down to the field barn. Max and Halleh greeted me with excitement! Max followed me around like a puppy dog and moo-ed his cute boy moo. I took my supplies in and put them where they needed to be then headed back out for some hay. I couldn't get the hay in fast enough...Max was eating it out of my arms. After adding it to their feeding trough, I headed around to milk Maggie. I began by washing her with warm water and then the iodine. So far so good! She was happily eating her hay plus some grain I had given her. We began milking, and I even sang to her like Daddy always does. She didn't move an inch! I don't even think she shifted her weight while I was milking her. She was a perfect little (well, big!) angel! Halleh came past the gate (into an area she's not supposed to come) to get some extra hay, so I told her "Halleh you are not supposed to be there...you are being mischievous. Go back where you belong." Then I said, "Maggie, please keep your child out of trouble." So Maggie promptly gave her a "look" and Halleh went back on the other side of the gate even closing it behind herself and stayed there.

Meanwhile, Ricky the rooster rounded up all the field barn hens, then he dissappeared. I finished milking Maggie, gave her a bit of extra grain and some petting, and then headed out with the milk and supplies. After dropping them off at the house, I went to look for Ricky. He had come back up to his old cage in the house barn which he had never done before, so I unceremonously picked him up by his feet. He squaked quite loudly his protest but settled down in my arms. I let Momma know I had found him and took him back down to the barn. After settling him in and tying the last gate shut, I headed for the house. The milk was soon strained and in the fridge, and when Daddy heard about the milking being done, he was shocked! So needless to say, I was quite pleased and excited that all went well. :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

5 Minute Update...

This week, I had the honor of keeping up the Watchman of Zion 5 Minute Update Blog with Eddie traveling. Please check out this week's entry at http://www.watchmanofzion.com/.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where's the New Moon

It's almost time for the New Moon! I can't wait, because with it's sighting, that means that we are only 14 days from Passover. We will be celebraing Passover with our congregation, Beit Yacov Hebraic Congregation, Yah willing. That's always a special time together. Would you like to understand Passover? Check out http://www.hebroots.com/passover.htm.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Trusting the Father

Ever had a frustrating day when you just want it to be over...and then when it is, you just praise the Father for getting you through it? That's the kind of day I had, and I'm just glad for the Father who graciously walks me through all things! Love my work, but sometimes...

This afternoon, after Daddy took Gaga to his eye doctor appointment, we switched, and I went with Gaga to see Nana at the rehab center. She is continuing to improve, and Praise Yah, the doctor did his rounds while we were here. So I was able to talk with him and get a full report. It is looking like we are heading the right way for beginning to plan for discharge in one to two months. That sounds wonderful!

I led two conference calls this week at work which I always enjoy. Working with "my" Online Coaches is always a blessing...I love the day to day joy of interacting with them.

And the best thing about this week? Going on a Mother/Daughter Date with my Momma! We left after I got off a conference call yesterday and headed to Chick-fil-A for lunch! Yum!!! Then Momma and I went by Cord Camera and looked at camera batteries and memory cards. We went by DSW and shoe shopped. We didn't find anything, but it was fun browsing. Then we went to the mall to do an exchange. We also went by Christopher & Banks (a nice ladies clothing store where we can sometimes find skirts or jumpers). Well, I found a really pretty skirt and 3/4 length blouse, and I just HAPPENED to have my Daddy's Credit Card on me! :) So Momma and Daddy got it for me with Momma's blessing. I really like it. We made our Wally World (Walmart) stop, and then headed to our other favorite shopping place - the thrift store. I found a skirt and Momma found a jumper. Between the two of us, we got them both for less than $10...gotta love the thrift store! But the best part of the day was just relaxing and being with my Momma. In case you haven't figured it out, I'VE GOT THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sometimes I feel like a busy little bee...but when you are being productive and know you are serving the Father whole-hearted, that feels great!

I finished teaching my Course 1 and Course 2 Cake Decorating class last week and started a Course 3 Class on Monday night. With 5 students in the class it makes it a nice size class, and by this point, we are really comfortable with each other. They are doing super as well!

Nana is continuing to slowly improve. We take it each day at a time. Thank you for your continued prayers. She is now able to start swallowing with the speech therapist. She has successfully worked with water and pudding. Now, the therapist has okayed using a Florida Avocado (which is her favorite treat) this week. They are only in our Ohio stores for about a 2 – 3 week window, so this was very exciting news. She will be thrilled. Please pray for her full healing of the swallowing in time for her next “Barium Alternative” Swallow Test. If she passes that test, she will be allowed to begin eating by mouth versus the feeding tube. Gaga is really missing her...so I know he will be glad to have her back hopefully in a few weeks.

Work is going well. We are starting a couple of new projects which I'm managing and loving! I'm doing fund-raising for my position at work, so that has been a new experience. Plus tomorrow afternoon, Momma and I are going on a Mother/Daughter "Date"! I'm really looking forward to it. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Things Heat up in the Middle East

"Regarding the current situation with the Israel / PLO peace process, the Arab League made an announcement to back “indirect talks”. The talks will begin this week with the help of US Middle East envoy George Mitchell conducting shuttle diplomacy between Jerusalem and Ramallah. US Vice President Joe Biden is visiting Israel to help to restart negotiations. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that he not only wants to start a peace process but also to complete it. In order to gain Arab League support for “indirect talks”, the US sent a letter to the PLO that the US will assign blame if the “indirect talks” fail and take appropriate action. This “appropriate action” seems to be a threat to Israel that if talks fail that the US would recognize a PLO state through the United Nations. The US wants to see a PLO state based upon 1967 borders. With these assurances, the Arab League gave approval for the “indirect talks”. In anticipation of a peace agreement, the PLO have asked their “map experts” to be involved in the talks. The PLO and the Arab League is only proposing that the talks last no more than four months. President of Israel, Shimon Peres stated that he believes that Netanyahu is sincere in wanting a peace agreement with the PLO but is being hindered by the right wing of his government. In practical reality, if Netanyahu comes to an agreement to establish a PLO state and divide Jerusalem, he will need the support of the Kadima party to prevent the collapse of his government. Under this scenario, I believe that Kadima will support Netanyahu."

This is taken from Eddie Chumney's 5 Minute Update Blog found at www.watchmanofzion.com. To read more, please visit that site!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Financial Article

Check out this good article: Principles for making wise financial decisions: http://bit.ly/b6v7eT

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring - Where Art Thou?

Spring - I'm ready for warmer weather...but we still have about 8" of snow on the ground. Thankfully, the forecast is for 40s over the weekend and even some 50s next week! Spring here I come! :)

Spring also means Passover! We are beginning the process of fully cleaning out the house. Under the beds, straightening all the bookshelves, cleaning the fans and windows, all those special not every week items are on the list to be done before Passover. We are planning, Yah willing, to celebrate Passover with our congregation - Beit Yacov. That is always a special time to be together. The lamb is ok...but if I've got to eat lamb, "Aunt" Debbie prepares it well...I'm just not a big lamb fan. Also, Passover is a good time to spiritually clean house. What habits do I need to change? Are there any areas of my life I need to repent and change? How am I doing in the area of spiritual growth?

Sunday, we were able to finally take Gaga to see Nana. He hadn't been able to go all week with him having bronchitis. Thankfully, he is feeling much better, and they were so glad to be able to spend time together again. Even after 65 years, they are still two love birds. They just enjoy sitting and holding hands. I stayed with them for a while. At one point, I had gone out and was talking with the nurse about how Nana was doing. When I came back in, they were playing cards. They love to play UNO, but all they had there was a regular deck of cards. So they figured how to play UNO with those cards. That was so sweet to watch.

Monday was a busy day at work, spent some time with Nana, and then taught the last night of Course 2 Cake Decorating Class. I really enjoy that, and the students do so well. Now today, I've stayed quite busy at work, but a lot is getting done so that always makes me a happy camper. Plus Momma fixed a delicious lunch today - Beef Roast, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans along with homemade gherkin pickles. Yummy! I made the mashed potatoes, and Momma said that they were the "best"! It is always pleasing when you make something and everyone likes it.

Well, it's off to work again I go now! :)