Friday, September 21, 2012

Camp Yeshua, Part 3

Well, I promised you Camp Yeshua, Part 3 which would be about the theme nights, the girl's purity session, and the women's swim, so I thought I would write that tonight.  Then I will only have one more "catch up" topic left...which should have me current with all the fun stories of my life come Sukkot.  :)  And then I'll have even more stories to tell! 

As you all know, Camp Yeshua is a highlight of the year for me, and it was once again.  Each year, we have various theme nights.  This year, we had Pop Culture Night, Neon Night, International Night, Tribulation Night, and Exodus Imminent Night.  I participated in the International Night by dressing up with my Israeli silk skirt, matching shirt, and Israeli covering along with a necklace I got while in the land.  This was the outfit that I was always getting mistaken for being Israeli in while I was in the Land.  Tribulation night is the night that I wear by camo headcovering to have some fun!  And the Exodus Imminent Night is our semi-formal night which I of course dressed up for!  :)  It is always amazing to see what the kids come up with for each night. 

The girl's purity session was on Monday afternoon which I co-lead with Ann Judah Stropes (Monte Judah's daughter).  She and I had worked separately on our parts, talked them through together, then finalized them on Friday right after we got in.  The session went really well, and I think the girl's lives were positively impacted as we talked about not just waiting for the right guy but being the right girl with a heart focused on Yahweh. 

And finally, my other favorite part is the women's swim.  This is when all the lady counselors go down to the pool after the kids are in bed.  This is a fabulous time for us to decompress, share our joys and struggles, and get some chocolate in!  It is just the boost we need as ladies to get through the week. 

I must close now with a Shabbat shalom.  And don't forget, if you haven't already seen them, you can check out my camp pictures by clicking here

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