Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Beloved Nana is in the Messiah's Arms Now...

I'm sorry I have been remiss in posting on my blog...however, we did indeed lose my Nana (my grandmother - my mom's mom) this past Friday, August 26.

Friday Morning Update

We are with Nana right now...the hospice nurse said she'll be surprised if Nana makes it through the day. She is sleeping and only rarely opens her eyes. She is only recognizing family...not even friends she has known for 10 years. Please keep praying! And a special thanks to those who have called, posted, e-mail...and especially those who are with us in person!

Friday around 5pm

Nana passed away about 20 minutes ago. Please pray for my family as we move into the grieving process. She went so was very assuring...she just went to sleep as my mom sang to her...she's safe in the Messiah's arms now. Funeral info will be posted as soon as we know details.

Funeral Information

Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and notes. As promised here are funeral arrangements for my grandmother/Nana – Lee Houchins…

Funeral will be Tuesday, August 30 at 10am

At Watkins Cemetery on Cemetery Rd right off of Watkins-California Rd, Ostrander, Ohio

Followed by visiting hours with the family at the home of Carol Boutet (daughter)

Arrangements are being handled by

Ingram Funeral Home, Marysville, OH

Cards and Notes may be mailed to:

The Houchins Family And The Boutet Family

8780 Long Rd, Ostrander, OH 43061

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Family Prayer Request

I have been remiss in blogging lately...but I believe the below family prayer request will explain why. Would you please pray for and with us?

We wanted to share with you a bit of what our family is currently experiencing. Carol’s mom is really not doing well. She is failing and failing fast. We do not know how much longer we are going to have her. She is barely eating, has constant stomach pain, is generally in pain, and then fell out of bed Thursday night. As it stands, the doctor told us “There really isn’t much more we can do.” It is basically a matter of time. The doctor is not giving us a time frame, but unless she makes a drastic improvement, it does not look like we will have much more time with her. Please pray for her and for our family as we walk through this...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life with Bronchitis

Well, I got home from Camp Yeshua in the wee hours of Saturday morning. My parents graciously picked us up at 1:30am! We had planned to be home right after Sunset Friday evening; however, our plane was delayed by three hours on top of our already long 3 hour layover. So Nicole and I ended up spending 6 hours in the St. Louis airport! At least, I had good company. :)

After getting home, we enjoyed some blissful rest, and then a wonderful relaxing Shabbat. I don't think I quit talking as I enjoyed telling Mommy and Daddy about Camp Yeshua so much. We also went up to see Nana and Gaga for a while which I greatly enjoyed as I had missed all my family while I was gone.

Then Sunday morning, I woke up not feeling so well. By that afternoon, we could certainly tell that I was coming down with something. I assumed it was a reaction to all the dust exposure we had at Camp Yeshua. Each evening when we enjoyed Starlight Dancing, we ended up kicking up a large red dust cloud due to the dryness caused by a 6 week drought there in Oklahoma. I continued to treat it as a reaction to that until Wednesday when it had become full blown bronchitis! And it lasted me a full 2 weeks...2 weeks of being sick is no fun! Nicole also came down with it...she shared it with her stepmom and grandma...I shared it with my dad. I don't think any of them appreciated our generosity.

I did have a chance to talk with a nurse and a massage therapist who confirmed that it was due to the high level of dust exposure which then inflamed the bronchi in my lungs and created the issue. Nicole and I then passed it on. I'm finally feeling better. I'm not contagious and no longer feel most of the symptoms. I just have that annoying lingering cough. As soon as I can get rid of it, then I'll finally have all my energy back. So my life has been filled with tissues, cough drops, and natural remedies these past few weeks along with the inability to talk due to the coughing. I'm just glad to be reclaiming life now and back to normal. The last few days I've been able to resume my normal work schedule and am looking forward to resuming my other regular activities this week including blogging. :)

An Injustice Done to Eddie Chumney

GLC has pulled Eddie Chumney's program on their channel all due to a false accusation. Here are the details about what has happened in Eddie's own words. PLEASE CALL GLC AND EXPRESS YOUR DISPLEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I have received notice from GLC (God's Learning Channel) that my weekly television program teaching Hebrew roots will be taken OFF THE AIR. This came as a TOTAL SHOCK to me. It was completely unexpected.

What is so SHOCKING is that the reason given was based upon FALSE ACCUSATIONS. These accusations are that I teach Ephraimite / Two House BLOODLINE IDENTITY. This is 100% false. I actually teach just the OPPOSITE.

I have about 26 minutes to do a weekly GLC program. I have done over 100 programs. I try to make a point to say that SAME thing over and over again for the first 12 minutes of the program. I teach that the ENTIRE BIBLE is written about Yeshua (Psalm 40:7, Hebrews 10;7). He said that the Torah, Prophets and Psalms are written of HIM (Luke 24:44)

I teach that Yeshua created the heavens and earth (John 1:3, 10, Colossians 2:16-17). I teach that Yeshua made covenant with Abraham (Galatians 3:16, 29). I teach that the ROCK that was with the children of Israel in the wilderness is Yeshua (I Corinthians 10:4). I teach the Yeshua is the RIGHT HAND that defeated Pharoah and his army in the Red Sea (Exodus 15:6).

I teach that the RIGHT HAND and ARM that defeated the enemies of the children of Israel in the promised land (Psalm 44:2-3) is Yeshua (Isaiah 53:1). I teach that Yeshua saves and is the Savior (Matthew 1:21) and (Luke 2:11). I teach that Yeshua is the lawgiver (James 4:12, Hebrews 12:24-26, John 14:15, Exodus 20:6).

I teach that a marriage took place at mount Sinai (Jeremiah 2:1-3, Ezekiel 16:8).

I teach that the 12 tribes of Israel broke the covenant at mount Sinai (Exodus 32) and were exiled into the nations of the world. Babylon took the Southern Kingdom captivity. Assyria took the Northern Kingdom captivity. The Northern Kingdom was judged by being scattered (Hosea 1:3) being given the status of "no mercy" (Hosea 1:6) and "not my people" (Hosea 1;9). Yet they would become sons of the living God (Hosea 1:10) and thus believers in Yeshua as the Messiah (John 1:12).

I teach that Messiah Yeshua died to gather and united the 12 tribes of Israel according to His own testimony (John 11:16-17) and repeated in (John 11:49-52). I teach that Yeshua RENEWED the covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah (Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:8) by writing the Torah upon our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10). I teach that the WILD branches are GRAFTED IN (Romans 11:17) and become members of the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:12).

I teach that Yeshua died for ALL people (John 3:16) and that ALL people can join his new covenant family. When they do, they are ADOPTED and GRAFTED into the family of Messiah which He will rule over forever which is the house of Jacob (Luke 1;33). I teach that BOTH Jew and non-Jew are to express their faith in Messiah by loving Him and keeping His commandments (John 14:15).

Plain and simply speaking, I teach that being a member of Messiah's family is NOT based upon BLOODLINE IDENTITY. Yet, this is the ACCUSATION and the reason given for my dismissal from being a programmer on God's Learning Channel. The EVIDENCE of my testimony is the weekly TV programs themselves and the "Light of the Southwest" program which I have been on numerous times.

I am NOT trying to defend what I teach on GLC because of financial gain. Except for the last visit to GLC, Hebraic Heritage Ministries has paid the travel expenses to be on GLC. I have been generous to GLC. I gave GLC 100 DVD's of "Yeshua: From Genesis to Revelation" to help raise $10,000 to upgrade a GLC satellite in the Philippines. Often when I am on "Light of the Southwest", GLC chooses to replay the program over and over again. They are quite popular.

IF the accusations were TRUE that I teach Ephraimite ./ Two House BLOODLINE IDENTITY and GLC didn't want this teached then this would be one thing BUT I DON'T teach this but this is the reason given for being taken off GLC.

Since I have not derived any substantial gain from being on GLC but on the contrary HHMI has paid much of the travel expenses for being at GLC and have given of the resources of HHMI to GLC to help them raise money for worthwhile projects, my complaint it NOT about money. It is about standing for TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS.

The Torah requires us to STAND for TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is my motivation and this is the cause that I want you to join with me. I will stand that Yeshua died on the tree to gather and unite the 12 tribes of Israel. Since evangelical Christianity WON'T teach it and the MJAA, UMJC won't teach it. I WILL.

The SHEEP of Messiah has been LIED to LONG ENOUGH. The SHEEP of Messiah MUST know WHY Yeshua died on the tree at his first coming and WHY He is coming again. The BRIDE MUST MAKE HERSELF READY. So, FALSE ACCUSATIONS by the enemy against this message CANNOT be aloud to stand.

This is what I am requesting all my friends and my friends, friends to do. Call or write GLC and express your displeasure of this injustice. I am asking fellow Hebrew roots GLC programmers to stand with me regarding this issue. Please encourage them as you see them to make their voice heard and stand with me.

Please call or write Al and Tommie Cooper:

The GLC phone number is: 800-707-0420.

The e-mail address of Al Cooper is:

The e-mail of Tommie Cooper is:

Thank you for your support and your stance for TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS !!!!