Saturday, August 28, 2010

DFW Trip - Part 3

As promised, here's the final piece about my trip to DFW - the Money Map Coaches' Meeting which was a real treat! I was able to be with just under 100 fellow coaches! I also had the privaledge of leading the Coaching Panel. Here's my panel praying before hand with Tim Ballog (Area Director for Fort Worth and a good friend). My panel was Julia Sizemore, Jim Johnson, and Reid.

Introducing my panel...

Here we are answering questions. We even had some fun with "What do you do with distractions during a coaching session such as a cell phone?" by having Julia answer her cell phone during that question. And, yes, we set her up. Tim, the Area Director, called her on that question!

Here I am with Doyle and Charlsey Greenlee who are in my department.

It was great to meet Bill Caldwell, one of our Online Coaches.

And Joan Neshem, also an Online Coach, and her husband Stan as well as a friend Dave.

After the meeting, we ate lunch at Hard Eight BBQ which is not only famous in the DFW area but DELICIOUS! I had BBQ Beef and loved it.

Brad Jack coordinated the meeting and treated us to lunch. It was great to get to spend some time with him once again.

The time in DFW was wonderful. :) Now, I'll have to tell about the Georgia Trip and my Birthday...then we'll be caught up on the highlights.

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