Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Busy Weekend...
Then on Sunday, we had Mark and Adrianne join us for lunch. They were here in Ohio observing Passover off the full moon with another group, and we were so glad to get to see them! We also had my Aunt Daria, her grandkids, and my grandfather join us for the day. We all enjoyed playing games, eating, going for a walk, and fellowshipping!
I have gotten a lot done so far this week and am looking forward to a good rest of the week too!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
New Passover Soon!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Feathers, Flying, and Family
I got my Camp Yeshua registration off in today's mail. I cannot wait for Camp. This will be my third year going back as a Senior Counselor. I love working with the teens. It is easy to relate to them as I was their age not but a few short years ago, and I love being able to make myself available as an older sister to each one there. The impact that you are able to make is shocking in many ways. Sometimes the person you least expect is the one you most impact. I will fly in on Friday, go to B'nai Shalom services which I love then stay with dear friends that weekend before going to Camp on Sunday. Camp finishes on Friday at noon, and I fly home that afternoon getting home right at sunset.
We went off as a family on Thursday and Friday - a rare treat. We went shopping in Holmes County - Amish country on Thursday and had a great time. It was so nice to go somewhere and just relax and have fun as a family. Then Friday, Daddy took a soap making class. Now, he can teach Momma and I. While he was in class, Momma and I relaxed at our motel. We enjoyed a movie, going for a walk, and researching a few things on the Internet that we don't normally have time for. I got to drive home which I loved, and we stopped by Fin, Fur, and Feathers (like a Cabelas) too!
Well, I must go now..need to go pull some weeds then going for a walk before the sun goes to bed.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Busy, Busy, a Bee
Sunday was a good day of getting a lot done...
Yesterday, I was able to meet a friend for lunch which was nice.
Then today, I had my bi-weekly cleaning job. After getting home, I went for a walk with Momma and enjoyed our beautiful 70 degree weather! I then caught up on e-mails and other computer stuff.
I think the highlight of my weekend was posting my first ministry YouTube video. It is on the topic of Natural Cures for a Cold which you can watch by clicking here.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Shabbat will soon by here...
I’ve had a very good week and am greatly looking forward to Shabbat. I had captured the final piece of my first YouTube video this week, so I have been working on editing it. It is all done, I’m just waiting to get permission on using the intro and outro music from the musician, then I can post it! J I’m really excited about getting this all done.
Today, I had my cleaning job which I do once a month. I always enjoy this family. They are a sweet homeschooling family with six children. The children are all very intelligent and inquisitive which makes them an extra delight.
Wednesday, we ran errands as a family – post office, Lowe’s, thrift store, library, and Office Depot. I was able to get my camera case which will hold both my camera and camcorder for when I travel. This way I can keep both handy as I plan to start traveling with them that way I can do interviews!
We’re already partially cleaned for Shabbat and will finish in the morning. I cannot wait for Shabbat! Passover will be here in less than a month. Then one of my very close girl friends will be coming to visit about two weeks after that. Then about 5 weeks after that is Shavuot, and Brad Scott will be here speaking. Then about 6 weeks after that is Camp Yeshua!!! What an exciting few months is ahead. That all will be followed by my birthday in August, Daddy’s birthday in September, and Sukkot in October! I truly love the Feast days.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Fun, Family, and Fellowship
Shabbat was our first March Shabbat gathering. We are now meeting twice a month which will be very nice. It allows us to have down Shabbats where we can sleep in and relax all day enjoying teachings as a family as well as more fellowship. The food was good, and then we studied the Blood Covenant which is very fascinating and part of our Passover Preparation Series.
Today, I have been working on getting everything done on my to-do list, and I've only got one more thing to do which I'm going to do when I finish this blog post. That makes you feel like your day has been very productive.
Also, today, we added 5 new kittens to our farm! Miss Gray had 5 adorable kittens. She had them in the barn where the cows and chickens are, so Daddy moved her into a cage up here in our house barn to keep them safe. They are so cute! I have enjoyed going out and checking on them quite frequently too.