Saturday, January 29, 2011
Happy 66th Anniversary, Nana and Gaga!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Walking by Faith
This week has been busy busy with meetings...non-stop going and being productive for the kingdom. Serving those in need makes my heart full of overflowing joy...and I know that is why He has me here. So I'm walking by faith right where He has me. :)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Ever Wonder What the Father is Up to?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Please pray for Lee Houchins (Jocelin’s grandmother) as the doctor took her off a stomach anti-acid medication. A week after that, her hiatal hernia and stomach began hurting to the point that she is barely eating. While this may seem like something that can be taken care of with medication, this a big deal for Lee as she had a ruptured ulcer of the stomach back in 2003. If left unchecked, it will cause irreversible damage that could be crippling or killing. So please pray that we are able to get her back on the needed medication right away. There is a meeting with the doctor today.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
ResTORAHtion Cooking - A Messianic Hebrew Roots Cookbook
ResTORAHtion Ministries is pleased to present ResTORAHtion Cooking which is a compilation cookbook featuring recipes from Messianic Hebrew Roots families all across the world.
We are very excited about this project and ask you to join us by submitting YOUR favorite recipes! We need recipes for the traditional categories as well as the special categories of Days of Unleavened Bread (recipes containing no leaven for use during the Days of Unleavened Bread), Feast Days Food (recipes that you use during the Feast Days), and Easy Shabbat Meals (meals with little prep or "fix ahead" meals).
We are even working on a special Torah Teacher's Favorites Section, so you won't want to miss being part of this special project for the entire Hebrew Roots Community! When submitting your recipe, please include a story about why this recipe is particularly special or unique, a favorite memory of fixing it, or how you received the recipe. Each of us loves understanding what makes a recipe more than a recipe but a piece of each person sharing it.
Recipes only need to be Biblically clean according to Leviticus 11 not necessarily "kosher."
Recipe Submittal Deadline: June 1, 2011
Trying to Stay Warm
This week has been a good week. Got a lot done at work, now I'm heading off to teach a Cake Decorating Class tonight. I think I'm going to splurge and get a Starbucks tonight. Just don't tell my friend Paul who eats raw!
I've also been working on our family's cookbook project. We're compiling a Messianic cookbook of which I'll post about separately. That's going to be very exciting! We've gotten all the main Torah Teachers to agree to be part of it too! The recipes as they come in are looking delicious. :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Exciting News
Our family has been hosting a monthly Shabbat Gathering. For our February gathering, Eddie Chumney will be joining us. He'll be doing his 5 Minute Update live from here as well as a new teaching "Let Us Go Up To Zion" and a Q&A Session.
Then we are hosting Passover in April. Eddie will also be joining us for that! :)
And finally, we are hosting Shavuot in June (10-12) and will have Paul Nison as our speaker.
I can't wait for each of those...but I'm going to savor each one too. :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A Great Shabbat
Then tonight, I got some more work in on my book in progress as well as caught up on some e-mails and other work. A great start to a new week.